In Tanzania, the average annual income is less that $1,000 per year. Porters normally earn about $10 per day, plus tips, which are significant. For that money, they will climb the mountain, often poorly equipped, about 3 times each month. The work is gruelling.
Some porters are employed steadily by tour companies, others line up hoping for a job for each trip.
The porters carry 35 lbs of trekers stuff, their own limited supplies, and generally some "common" supplies as well. After we left camp each day, the porters on our trip would take down our tents and the camp equipment, clean up, pack up, and begin running up the mountain. We'd move over for them on the trail as they passed us carrying heavy loads - often balancing the on their heads. Incredible!
Our guides and assistant guides were really good. Our head guide was Bernard, and he had three assistants. Wilson seemed to be the best at setting the appropriate pace for our group, so he was often in front.
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