Thursday, June 26, 2008

January 31, 2008 - Barranco Valley - Barranco Wall

Some days you win and some you lose. For me, it is very frustrating to be heading towards a goal and have a setback. We didn't really have a setback today, but it seems that way. Our route called for us to descend from 15,213 feet to 13, 231. But, that makes it sound easy! It wasn't!

We first descended into the Great Barranco Valley.

While gasping for air, it was amazing to me that anything lives at this altitude. These trees are extremely resilient. I just wish I could remember what this one is called. Francis, when you read this, post a comment and tell me. Francis will know. He knows everything! The man is a walking encyclopedia!

Francis, while you're at it - how about some help with the name of this one?

Speaking of Francis - here he is with Tim. By the way, Tim is pretty amazing too. He was originally scheduled to take this trip a year before, but had to postpone it after he was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. He had surgery, recovered, trained and 1 year later was with us, raising money for Prostate Cancer causes. Way to go!

Ok, so here is the start of climbing Barranco Wall. This wall is 800 feet high, and this is the easy part because there are places to put both feet at the same time and it's possible to stand vertically without holding on for dear life!

Getting a bit steeper!

A little time for romance!

Almost to lunch!

After lunch, we had a bit of rain - the only time we had to break out the rain gear on the entire trip! Unfortunately, it came at a time we were descending on some pretty slippery rocks. Not a fun afternoon.

Edwin and Wilson

JT & me at Karanga Camp - Finally.

Glad to be in camp!

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